Wednesday, 31 March 2010

News Flash

Scotland’s most famed osprey returns to the Lowes
Thursday 25th March 2010
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The SWT's Loch of the Lowes Wildlife Reserve today (25 March) welcomes back the bird thought to be oldest breeding female of its kind ever recorded in the UK for the 20th consecutive year to the astonishment of wildlife experts.

Spotted landing on her usual nesting site, known as an eyrie, at 2.00 pm on 23 March, this female osprey, estimated to now be 25 years of age which is over three times the average lifespan of an osprey, has once again completed a 3,000 mile migration from West Africa to her summer breeding ground at Loch of the Lowes. Her arrival could signal the beginning of another breeding process for one of Scotland’s most magnificent bird species.

Emma Rawling, SWT Perthshire Ranger appointed to protect the osprey during the breeding season thanks to funding from SITA Tayside Biodiversity Fund, said: “We are truly amazed at the tenacity and endurance of this particular female osprey. Defying her age, she has made it back to us again and from initial sightings she looks like she is in remarkably good condition.

“She is now waiting for her mate to arrive to begin her 20th breeding season. So far, this one bird has laid 55 eggs, 46 of which have hatched into chicks which have successfully left the nest. She is a hardy old bird, that’s for sure, and I can’t wait to watch her progress over the next few months.”

It is expected that the female osprey’s breeding partner, a male osprey identified with a green leg ring, will arrive within a week. This resident male will then chase any other males, known as interlopers, away before initiating the breeding process

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