A few days in York- to see the sights and drink in the atmosphere- the sun was kind to us - so pics were aplenty.We travelled up by train and stayed close to Micklegate

- and we walked the city walls.- amazing ! It was cold but that did not seem to matter - !

These steps could tell a colourful tale of days gone by -of that I am sure!!

stepping back into the past

We walked as much of the walls as time allowed this is the view from the other direction with Micklegate in the background - we did this stretch on our second day - the sun was shining -

Looking out over the roof tops and chimney pots of York -

York Mister caught in the sunlight - towering over the city

playing with my camera so many opportunities

of course York is also a shoppers paradise

- designer boutiques and chocolate cabins at every turn tucked away behind the medieval shop fronts- market stalls - buskers - York as it alland is alive with many talents.

The river is a focal point - bridges linking up with the city wall walk - I was always drawn to this watch tower -

believe it or not this tower has been converted to a coffee shop.
A visit to the Railway Museum was on the agenda
- we spent half a day there - here are some of the highlights for me ...

The Mallard every bit as beautiful as they say - the first time I had seen this beautiful blue train - a must to be seen to be believed !!

Another gleaming monster the Dwight of Eisenhower - admired by many - young and old and then

we gazed on Gladstone - look at these gleaming copper and brass pipes - more than a days work here !

There was a grand parade of Royal Trains through the ages - showing off their splendour

I must include this little dazzler - I am not sure which train this was - but I think it deserves a slot for immaculate presentation

Of course to see the Flying Scotsman was incredible

- although in the workshop for repair work - it still held all that magic for me

We found this little bar down on the River Front and spent our evenings listening to the music and becoming one with the city.

Linking today to
Outdoor Wednesday have a good week fellow bloggers - Jane uk