Tuesday, 28 June 2011

The Letter X for ABC Wednesday

X marks the spot

X is for a kiss

X is eXhiliarating, eXasperating , X is eXciting - eXtraordinary - and eXtrovert.

We have Xmas - X boxes - and Xrays

How about a trip to EXeter - OXford - or Oxwich

We could eXfoliate - have eXtensions - and of course eXercise to the Extreme to get that X factor

We could search for EXcalibur and listen to tales of old

But we must eXperiment to eXtend our eXperiences

What an eXtravaganza


  1. This was such a delightful and colorful posts. You found the best pictures and my you came up with a lot of fun X's.

  2. Ha! I almost used that particular map, I did X for kiss and mentioned Xmas!
    Good job.
    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  3. An eXciting tour through X!
    Jane x

  4. There are only 7 x es in my dictionary. Jane - you have eXcelled, Well done x

  5. Fun post for the letter X.

  6. I LOVED this post. It was wonderfully whimsical and entertaining. Thanks.


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