Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Kitchen Fever

Hello - today is a wet one - rain pelting down although first thing this morning there was a break in the weather - so we made a dash to the allotment to pick the latest raspberries - the wind had dried them up a bit so they were ok to pick - also there were even more courgettes to pick - they appear over night and also grow to gigantic proportions at the drop of a hat - if picked small they are absolutely gorgeous fried in garlic butter - I buy the little sachets from the supermarket.
Well it seemed the thing to do - out with the utensils and a crumble was underway - I used the windfall apples that I had collected this morning and gooseberries out of the freezer - a gift from a friend and this mornings fresh raspberries.
It looks OK but they do say that the proof of the pudding is in the eating - or something like that!
I looked through the window at the coloured lanterns looking so forlorn in the rain - and remembered those sunny days a few weeks back when the plants needed to be watered - but certainly not today!! Candles and lanterns both favourites of mine - they do it for me - make my day so to speak - I love garden ornaments - especially fun ones - the orange clock was picked up from the local garden centre for a nominal sum - what do you think?-
Still raining !!


  1. Jane, lovely to catch up. That crumble looks scrummy. It is wild here today so puddings are very much needed here!!I love the sound of courgettes fried in garlic and butter, unfortunately my courgettes did not materialise this summer, I think the weather was just not warm enough.

  2. Thank goodness for that,I'm finally able to access your blog!
    I love the clock,I think gardens look great when the gardener personalizes them.
    Jane x
    PS How cute is Coco?????

  3. That crumble looks lovely. We didn't have any raspberries this year. This weather is something else - hope you're keeping dry.

  4. Thanks for visiting my blog. So glad you did. I have overlooked you all these weeks and you have some wonderful photographs. Love the swallows on the wire, particularly.


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