Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Kitchen Fever

Hello - today is a wet one - rain pelting down although first thing this morning there was a break in the weather - so we made a dash to the allotment to pick the latest raspberries - the wind had dried them up a bit so they were ok to pick - also there were even more courgettes to pick - they appear over night and also grow to gigantic proportions at the drop of a hat - if picked small they are absolutely gorgeous fried in garlic butter - I buy the little sachets from the supermarket.
Well it seemed the thing to do - out with the utensils and a crumble was underway - I used the windfall apples that I had collected this morning and gooseberries out of the freezer - a gift from a friend and this mornings fresh raspberries.
It looks OK but they do say that the proof of the pudding is in the eating - or something like that!
I looked through the window at the coloured lanterns looking so forlorn in the rain - and remembered those sunny days a few weeks back when the plants needed to be watered - but certainly not today!! Candles and lanterns both favourites of mine - they do it for me - make my day so to speak - I love garden ornaments - especially fun ones - the orange clock was picked up from the local garden centre for a nominal sum - what do you think?-
Still raining !!

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

J is ....

J is for Jelly - Jam - and Jazz - on this blog today- so lets take a Jaunt today and look at our favourite J's especially across at ABC Wednesday. Jelly is a favourite of my family - and it has rescued many from the brink of despair. Anyone feeling poorly, those special words always seem to help 'What about a jelly ?of course it has to be red !!- Although this last weekend I did stray away from jelly and made an Eton Mess - with fresh raspberries from the allotment - crushed meringues and lemon flavoured double cream. OH is the Jam maker here and is very successful - he does not weigh much just throws it all into the pan - and Jeronimo - this week 3 pots of raspberry Jam are Jostling for space in the kitchen cupboard Just Jazz - just the thing to calm those jangling nerves - not sure whether this track is strictly Jazz but I like it and of course the lyrics are included for those who feel the urge to be vocal - enjoy - thanks for joining in !!

Tuesday, 4 September 2012

ABC Wednesday and H is for....

ABC Wednesday and H is for Haphazard and for me it is a Haphazard way of life- totally lacking in organisation so it would seem !! Definition of Haphazard found in my well worn dictionary says -Dependant upon or characterised by mere chance- yes I would agree - but the dictionary also states slipshod and untidy and I don't think I fall into that category or at least I hope not! I always have a lengthy to do list on the go - unfortunately instead of staying focused I stray and do other things - but then I think life would be very dull without a little me time giving time to indulge in the unexpected.What do you think? My pics today are of my Helianthus plants in the garden I wish you all good Health and Happiness Why not pop over to ABC Wednesday to view other takes on the letter H Jane