ABC Wednesday and my contribution is G is for Golden - the Golden anniversary the 50th Anniversary of Steam - held at Onslow Park in Shropshire - a magnificent venue.
Visitors flocked to the event in their thousands.
The event has spanned over 50 years in different venues in the county - the rally first started at the Church Stretton Carnival many years ago - I can remember going to the Carnival as a child - it was an unforgettable event for me - my memories are of engines in the streets - they seemed huge to me - I can remember gazing up at them - always it was evening when we went - and the atmosphere was magical - with the fairground organ music playing on every street corner.
The evening always ended in fish and chips , wrapped in newspaper - the treat of the night -there is nothing like chips wrapped in newspaper on a cold night.
The rally this weekend has grown to huge proportions - over 100 engines were in the ring for the grand parade.
Tractors streamed into the arena - with their drivers in period dress
Classic cars - my favourite took a turn around the ring - look at that little white Morgan - what a beauty!
Another Morgan - engineless - being lovingly restored - the owner claiming it would be up and running to take its turn around next year
There were many craft and working demos with people roaming around in period dress - here a lady talks to the saddler - who in turn played to the theme and addressed her -' Good Afternoon Mistress'
I was really taken with the wood turning - look at these chrysanths - aren't they gorgeous - they are made out of Hazel - and they look good sitting in a vase in my hall
The event included working fields - with tractors buzzing up and down - and items such as threshing boxes and binders showing how it was done
The arena was never empty with an endless stream of activities - there were bicycles - steam lorries - prams - to mention but a few - and a falcon display - a huge craft tent and a treasure trove of stalls selling memorabilia.
We went for the two days - the three of us - because dogs were allowed - B was demonstrating on the blacksmiths' forge making hinges for lorries - so there was plenty of time for me to roam around this event - and a good time was had by all I must add