ABC Wednesday and a few favourite H pics and thoughts to share - first one is H is for Harvest - lots of Hard work and Happy celebration of bringing the Harvest Home.

This lady was demonstrating the art of making a corn dolly - from times gone by at the working farm museum visited a few weeks back - earlier that day we watched as a television crew filmed the action for a local programme.

We were told that each county had a different style of corn dolly - - which represented the spirit of the corn

H is for Heather - and the Back to Purple - project - to get the local Stiperstones Hill back to its original habitat

Hebridean sheep - a robust sheep - graze the young saplings - which would soon return the hillsides back into wooded areas - smothering the heather and hillside plants

H is for Heron a long legged bird - seen at the local reserve - Venus Pool - on a recent visit

H is for Hang Glider soaring high over the Welsh Coast at Aberystwyth - watched recently on a day away

H is for helicopter - and Elton John leaving the Greenhouse arena at Shrewsbury after a momentous event

H is for Thomas Hardy - 1840 -1928 - British novelist and poet - novels include Tess of the D'urbervilles and Far from the Madding Crowd
How about for a finale we all join a Harmonious sing song during Happy Hour at the local Hostelry!